Are you suffering from insomnia

Are you suffering from insomnia?

Are you suffering from insomnia? Do you have a hard time falling asleep and then staying asleep? Did you know that sleeplessness is the immediate effect of stress?

According to Carol Richard, EFT Practitioner in Prince Edward Island, often, sleeplessness is the root cause of many other dis-eases.

“The first thing that happens when you’re stressed is you stop sleeping. Once you don’t sleep, everything else falls apart.”

Just like Carol, Emotional Freedom Techniques (EFT Tapping) has also helped me solve my sleeplessness issues. I have also used it to help my children when they had a hard time falling asleep due to exam stress or anxiety before a competition.

Just like Carol, Emotional Freedom Techniques (EFT Tapping) has also helped me solve my sleeplessness issues. I have also used it to help my children when they had a hard time falling asleep due to exam stress or anxiety before a competition.

I was half expecting her to wake up in the middle of the night but she never did. Strange enough, the next night, she asked me to do it again so she could fall asleep quickly. Children are smart. They know when something is good for them and ask for it again without hesitation.

Take a look at this article (2 minutes read)

If you have sleeplessness or insomnia issues, I invite you to connect with me. I can help you bring back your sleep so you can be in control of your life again. You have nothing to lose, the no-obligation consultation is free. Click here and book now. You deserve a good night's sleep.

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